Article by Marcia Gallik
Get Back Your Ex in 7 Days ? 3 Useful Tips to Getting Back Your Ex ? Relationships ? Post Divorce
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Over 50% of married couples have gone through a heavy, hard and painful divorce due to cheating, not being compatible with each other, due to misunderstandings, etc. The problem is that many of these people are still in love with their ex and getting over them is more difficult than one originally anticipated.
For many this means getting back your ex at any (or at least great) cost. But it doesn?t have to be so difficult, if you only knew a few tips that will help you get back with your ex together in only 7 days! And here?s how you do it:
1. Pride is a great feeling but mostly it?s overrated. After breaking up with your ex, try to find in yourself the faults that lead to the breakup. Admit your own mistakes. It doesn?t mean that you are the only one at fault. It merely means that you reach out to your ex and allow him to see that you are willing to work towards getting the relationship back on track. 2. Give your ex the space he or she needs to recover. Your are not the only one who needs to figure out what went wrong. They need that space as well, to be able to think clearly and come to their own conclusions. If they still love you, they will realise that it?s far easier and better to come back to you rather than start a new life from scratch. So let them be the one to re-start the contact with you. 3. Have patience and don?t rush things. If you follow point 2 above, you will give your ex the space and time needed to heal and handle his erratic emotions that left him on the floor after the breakup. They might even go out with somebody else in the meantime but don?t overreact, even if it hurts. Start your own new friendships, and once your ex sees you with other people as well, and he will quickly dump the new person in favor of getting back with you.
To get back your ex takes more than this, but these initial first steps are mandatory to win your ex back and gain back that romantic relationship you had before it got destroyed.
About the Author
Marcia enjoys reading about relationships, having gone through a difficult one herself. She also enjoys writing about some of her hobbies, such as finding the best portable clothes steamer. Visit her site at
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Marcia Gallik
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